I completed swatches 1 and 2 and blocked them. When I went to un-pin them from the blocking board I discovered that the T-pins I used all through Level 1 are now rusting. So, I had to chuck those swatches.
I'm going to start over once again. I started knitting the stockinette pieces for swatch 1, and I realized that my knitting is getting a lot more uniform. It's actually not a bad thing that I'm having to re-do theses.
Patience. Patience.
I'm starting a Knit-Along at our local yarn store on Saturday. It's Big Sky Knitting's Follow the Leader Aran KnitAlong. We set up a group on Ravelry to follow our progress. I'm hoping to gain some more experience for designing. I'll blog along here.
I'm also hoping to teach a class (probably on lace knitting) sometime this spring.
I'm going to be a busy knitter.
I'm going to start over once again. I started knitting the stockinette pieces for swatch 1, and I realized that my knitting is getting a lot more uniform. It's actually not a bad thing that I'm having to re-do theses.
Patience. Patience.
I'm starting a Knit-Along at our local yarn store on Saturday. It's Big Sky Knitting's Follow the Leader Aran KnitAlong. We set up a group on Ravelry to follow our progress. I'm hoping to gain some more experience for designing. I'll blog along here.
I'm also hoping to teach a class (probably on lace knitting) sometime this spring.
I'm going to be a busy knitter.
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